On this page, we offer pdf documents and links that will help you work on your L-series machine.

Click on the link below for the document that interests you -
MANUALS.GTCOA.COM - Factory Service Manuals, Illustrated Parts Lists, Sales Brochures, and scans of other Gravely-produced literature may be downloaded for FREE by going to the ORIGINAL site built by our late friend, Chip Old.
Setting Up A Magneto For A Gravely L-series Tractor - Gives excellent, practical, and easy to understand instructions on how to adjust, calibrate, repair, and "marry" your magneto to your Gravely for proper starting and running.
How A Magneto Works - Edited by Mark Seibert, this is a helpful primer on the subject.
Ring Installation Guide - Detailed, step-by-step, illustrated instructions on how to properly install rings on your L-series piston.
Packing Your Gravely Cylinder - Complete, step-by-step instructions - with pictures - about how to properly pack your Gravely cylinder for safe travel to us for repair.
Bearing Cap Seal Installation Instructions - Tells how to replace the expensive original, 2-lipped seal with two, reasonably priced single-lipped seals.
MuffleTone™ Noise-Canceling Muffler Installation Instructions - Tells how to install our MuffleTone™ Muffler and reduce your exposure (& your neighbors!) to loud exhaust noise from your Model L.
Keyswitch Wiring Diagram - Schematic for those who want to add a keyswitch and starter solenoid to their electric start Model L. This system eliminates problems caused by accidentally letting go of the pushbutton kill switch and the magneto firing, causing the flywheels to get out of balance.